Weed of the week: Purslane

Purslane – also known as Pusley, Pursley or Pigweed– is a summer annual broadleaf weed. Purslane prefers disturbed areas with rocky soils and is often found growing in waste areas, rocky bluffs, in crevices between bricks, and in cracked cement, however this weed can also grow in turf grass areas. Purslane thrives throughout much of the United States and Canada. Although Purslane is considered a weed in the United States, it may be eaten as a leaf vegetable. It has a slightly sour and salty taste and is eaten throughout much of Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Mexico. The stems, leaves and flower buds are all edible. Purslane may be used fresh as a salad, stir-fried, or cooked as spinach is, and because of its mucilaginous quality it also is suitable for soups and stews. Identifying Purslane -Indianapolis weed control Lawn Pride Purslane is a summer annual with a vertically growing, mat-forming growth habit and thick, succulent stems and leaves. Its stems are multi-branched, growing horizontally or turned up at the ends. They are purplish-red in color. Purslane features thick, fleshy leaves and a thick taproot with many fibrous secondary roots. Blooming from June through November, Purslane features small yellow flowers occurring singly or in terminal clusters. The flowers consist of five yellow petals with two green sepals and numerous yellowstamens. It reproduces by seed, although broken stem fragments can root and form new plants. Purslane Control - Purslane can be a troublesome weed to eliminate relying on cultural weed control methods. Physical removal can remove single plants, but it is important to make sure no stem fragments are left behind. Our professionally applied herbicides are the best bet for complete removal. But if this weed exists in flowerbeds, we are not permitted to treat these areas with our lawn products.