So you want the perfect lawn? Are you willing to help? If not, no need to keep reading, but if you are willing to spend a few hours per week working on your lawn, then together, we can create the perfect lawn. You see, it takes more than just fertilizer and herbicides to create the ideal lawn. A lawn needs attention in the form of proper mowing and hydration, and benefits from someone keeping an eye on things on a weekly basis. Our applications are 3-6 weeks apart, and during those times away from your lawn, a lot can happen. Weeds can surface in days. Moles can create hundreds of feet of tunnels overnight. Disease can take hold before you know it. And if you aren't keeping an active vigil over your lawn, things can happen.
So what's the process?
It all starts in the spring. We'll come out and apply the first of (ideally) seven applications, containing pre-emergent herbicide and fertilizer. While it's tempting to want to repair thin spots during the spring, it may be beneficial to wait until fall. Once the fertilizer hits and the temps warm up, your lawn will take off and grow very fast. Most people mow once a week, but during the spring it may help to mow more often. Grass does not like to be cut and if you cut too much, it can damage the individual plant. Never cut more than one third of the overall length. If the grass is 6 inches tall, don't take more than 2 inches per mowing.
Also, mow tall. Some folks like their lawn short. Golf courses do it, why can't you? Well, first of all, golf courses use special grass designed to be cut short. And then they spend tens of thousands of dollars on special fertilizers to keep it alive. So, for your central Indiana lawn, we recommend you cut it to 3-4 inches. This taller height is the best prevention for weeds.
Take a walk in your yard.
As you mow your lawn, be observant of changes. Note the color, note the thickness and note weather weeds are disappearing or re-appearing. The more you observe your lawn, the better prepared you'll be to help us. We'll need this information to better treat your lawn. Unfortunately, what usually happens is that most people just don't have the time to make these observations. Or, maybe they're not sure what to do with the information.
You can call us and let us know what you're seeing and when our lawn technicians are at your house, they can make recommendations based on what they see. Maybe they'll recommend to mow less often. Or more often. Or water. Maybe less water. Regardless, they'll help you create the perfect lawn.
Then what?
The perfect lawn is within reach, but it takes a partnership. We need your help to deliver the results you desire. See something you're not sure about? Give us a call. Or better yet, upload the photo on our
contact page and we'll see what you see.