The summer heat seems to be subsiding, so it's time to soak in the cooler temperatures with some much-needed fall lawn maintenance. Now, before you start planting hundreds of the official Indiana state tree, you've got to make sure your lawn is in order. These three Fall mowing tips will surely help get your Indianapolis Lawn Up To Speed.
- Determine if your lawn is composed of a warm or cool season turf grass. If you're unsure, Lawn Pride can help. Cool season grasses such as bluegrasses, bentgrasses, fescues, and ryegrasses can continue to be mowed at a height of 3 inches. However, warm season grasses such as Bermudagrass, Saint-Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass, and buffalograss need to be a little longer throughout the Fall. If you have a warm season lawn, set your blades to around 3.5 inches.
- Keep grass clippings low. Even if you have to mow often, try not to cut more than one inch off the top of the grass blades. This allows the nutrients from the clippings to re-enter the lawn. Just think, you're essentially mowing and fertilizing all at once.
- Watch for grub damage. This isn't exactly a mowing tip, but grub damage is usually discovered while mowing - so that works. Lawns that show sporadic wilting and browning tend to have white grub damage. White grubs feed on the roots of grasses and most grub damage occurs in the late summer. If you suspect grubs, check the root zone of affected areas, and if white, c-shaped grubs are there - you have grubs. Luckily, Lawn Pride offers a Grub Control Treatment to help.
Remember: Working with Lawn Pride is a partnership where the effectiveness of our work depends largely on how you maintain your lawn. Please follow all maintenance instructions provided by Lawn Pride, and together, we'll take pride in your lawn.