Indianapolis area lawns see a variety of weeds throughout the season. Our formulated weed controls are designed to control them with our timed applications. Here is a little information on some one of the most common weeds in our area; crabgrass.
Weed Type: Annual grass
Problem Areas: Common invaders of thin lawns especially those mown too short; fertilized in summer; or given light, frequent irrigation. May also be found in garden beds.
Identification: Grows in clump; leaves light green; nodes swollen and stem zigzag; prostrate habit and may root at lower nodes. Both species have membranous ligules and no auricles. Large crabgrass has hairs on sheath and blade; smooth crabgrass has a few hairs on blade just above collar. No stolons or rhizomes.
Treatment: Crabgrass weeds are best controlled with pre-emergence herbicides that are applied before seed germinates in the spring. These products work by preventing the weed seeds from germinating but have no effect on established plants. It is critical to apply them at the proper time for optimum control. Crab grass seed first germinates in mid-April in our area, but can continue into summer.
If you're not sure if you have crabgrass or some other weed, you can send us a photo of the weed in question. Just go here and follow the instructions at the bottom of the form.