Bentgrass (
Agrostis) is a large genus with over 100 species, but only about four are used for turfgrass in the United States. None of these four are well adapted to southern climates. The only use of this species in the South is for golf course putting greens where environments are closely managed.
It can be mowed as low as 1/10" and makes an ideal surface for putting greens and fairways. Even when mowed very low, it forms a dense turf with a very fine-textured feel.
Throughout the New England States and the Pacific Northwest where climatic conditions are ideal for bentgrass, the species is used for lawns and athletic fields. In Europe and parts of Asia, the grass is native and commonly found on lawns, pastures and sport fields.
Of the four species used for turf, creeping bentgrass is the one most commonly used on southern golf greens. The species was introduced into the United States from Europe during the Colonial Period.
The costs to maintain a home lawn of bentgrass can be very costly due to its needs for fungicides, insecticides, fertilizer and expensive equipment needed to mow it. It also requires frequent watering - almost daily. Unlike other northern grasses, it grows by an extensive production of stolons.
- Tip/blade: blades are narrow and flat
- Feel: soft
- Growth: low-mowing grass, often as low as 1/10"
- Additional: Used on golf courses throughout the North.