Lawn Aeration and Overseeding Services for Indianapolis

Breath Life Back into Your Lawn with Core Aearation and Overseeding

Aerating is one of the best things that you can do for your lawn to keep it healthy. By breaking up soil compaction, aeration gives your lawn much-needed oxygen and water to your lawn’s root system. This produces a thicker, healthier lawn. We’re here to provide an easy and efficient annual aeration service so that your turf gets the nutrients it needs, and you get a healthier, better-looking lawn.

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Lawn Pride recommends aerating your lawn in the fall. However, we do offer spring aeration services as well.


Because lawns need air, water, and food to grow, pulling plugs throughout the yard will help promote optimal grass growth. Our hydraulic core aerators pull small plugs from the soil and drop the plugs back onto the ground. These new holes break up the thatch layer and allow fresh air, water, and nutrients to easily penetrate the surface and reach deep down into the grassroots. This helps your grass grow deeper and stronger, which makes it thicker and healthier. Plugs that are dropped back onto the ground break down over time, supplying the lawn with more nutrients. Traditionally, aerating in the fall is recommended, as the aeration opens up the root zone, promoting new root growth and does not damage the pre-emergent layer that may have been applied in the spring, as a spring aeration would.

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Aeration With Overseeding

Reseeding your lawn is an important step in proper lawn care maintenance. Just like all living things, your grass will not live forever. Most turf grasses that will produce seed, won’t produce viable seed until it is about twelve inches high. This is a problem for lawns that are mowed regularly. Reseeding your lawn also helps keep weeds out of your yard. Because weeds can only grow where there is room; you naturally can keep weeds at bay by lessening the opportunity for them to grow. With Lawn Pride’s Premium Turf Type Tall Fescue grass seed, you will have a stronger, more resilient lawn that is best for our Central Indiana environment. At Lawn Pride, we recommend having your lawn aerating and overseeding in the fall. Not only does the aeration opens up the root zone, promoting new root growth, but when aerating and overseeding in the spring means your newly seeded lawn would not be able to be treated for grassy weeds or broadleaf weeds leaving your new grass to compete for room to grow.

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Understanding Is Half The Battle

Over time, the soil becomes more and more compacted. Several variables combine to cause this extreme compaction. Rain and snow, erosion, foot traffic, and root growth, as well as the natural breakdown of leaves, and grass clippings, all contribute to natural soil compaction. Since your lawn is a living organism, it needs food, water, and air in order for it to be healthy. Soil compaction acts like a clogged filter preventing the root system from getting the nutrients it needs.

If you are needing to seed your lawn, it’s crucial to aerate the lawn first to obtain good seed-to-soil contact for optimal germination. Aerating the soil, also allows for good gas exchange between the germinating seeds and the soil. Seeds, just like any other living organism need oxygen and produce carbon dioxide (CO2). If the carbon dioxide is not able to move away from the seed, the seed will suffocate.

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Knowledgeable Staff

Our experienced and knowledgeable staff can answer any of your lawn care questions and provide you with helpful tips; so that together we can make your lawn look its best.

Benefits of Lawn Aeration and Overseeding

Reduces soil compaction- When soil becomes compacted, it hinders the root system’s ability to spread out and properly absorb nutrients. Aeration reduces soil compaction, allowing the roots to grow deeper and allowing the nutrients to reach the grass root.

Reduces thatch- Lawn thatch accumulates faster in compacted soil and lawns with poor drainage. Aeration allows water and air to penetrate compacted soil and stimulates microorganisms needed for decomposing thatch.

Improves absorption- Compacted soil acts like a clogged filter, preventing water and nutrients from adequately absorbing into the soil and stopping them from reaching the root system.

Enhances seed germination- Seed germinates best when it has proper seed-to-soil contact. Aerating before seeding provides the soil contact needed for the best germination possible.

Thickens the lawn- When seasonal stress weakens the lawn, it will start to thin out. Aerating and seeding will introduce new grass to rejuvenate the lawn and thicken it back up.

Reduces weeds growth- Because weeds can only grow where there is room, lawns that are aerated and seeded regularly will become naturally more weed resistant over time.


  • seeding machine on lawn with aeration service sign
  • close up of grass and seeding machine with lawn pride van
  • seeding machine in action on grass
  • lawn pride technician holding up fertilizer

Commonly Asked Questions

When should lawns be aerated in Indianapolis?

The best time to aerate a lawn is mid-August through November. The warm days, cooler night temperatures, mixed with the increase of rain make this the prefect time to aerate and seed your lawn. Aerations can be performed in the spring. However, spring aerations are not recomended for lawns that have pre-emergents applied or if you plan on seeding with your aeration.

 Why should I aerate my lawn?

Lawns go through a lot of stress through out the year. Heavy equipment, foot traffic, and drought like conditions can compact the soil. This is even more prevalent in lawns with heavy clay soil.  Aeration breaks up soil compaction and allows air, water and nutrients to penetrate deeper into the root system and improves the overall health of your lawn.

Should I pick up the plugs after my lawn aeration?

No. The plugs will break down over time and release nutrients into the lawn.

Should I mow before or after my lawn aeration?

It’s best to mow the lawn before the aeration. This will allow the plugs to break down naturally and eliminate added stress to the lawn. If you are aerating and overseeding, it’s best to wait 2-4 weeks to mow after the aeration and seeding is completed if possible.

How long does it take to see results from my aeration?

The results from an aeration can vary depending on the health of the lawn prior to the service. Lawns in fairly good health that are aerated yearly may not have as noticeable results because your are maintaining the health of the lawn. On the other hand, lawns that have never been aerated can start to notice healthier looking turf within a few weeks.

If aerating and overseeding, new grass should be starting to sprout after about 3 weeks with proper watering practices. Lawns that are aerated and seeded yearly will find it harder to see new grass but should start to notice the lawn looking thicker.