Dandelion is a tap rooted perennial weed that
prefers open and disturbed areas that receive a lot of sun: lawns, gardens, dilapidated meadows, vacant lots, and along railroads and roadsides.
Dandelion is one of the most recognizable weeds and is found in every state in North America.
Identifying Dandelion -
Dandelion features a deep, fleshy taproot, which often branches. Leaves branching from the taproot form into rosettes and can remain green throughout the year. The leaf margins are deeply lobed with the lobes pointing backward toward the base. Dandelion’s leaves, flower-stalks and the taproot exude a milky juice when cut.
Dandelion features a recognizable yellow flower that is produced on individual leafless stalks. It reproduces by seeds, which are brown with long white hairs. The seeds form "puffs" at the tip of the stems, replacing the flowers. Seeds are distributed by wind.
Dandelion Control -
A thick, healthy lawn helps prevent weeds, including dandelions. But our weed control products will help kill them if they do pop up, though it takes 10 days or so to actually die. Physical removal (i.e. “weed pulling”) is generally ineffective, due to the risk of spreading the seeds to additional areas of your lawn and landscaping as well as the inability to fully remove the taproot.