Spring is officially here, and we have started our first round of applications. Our first application is designed to jumpstart your lawn and start attacking weeds before they emerge. The first application is basically a blast of fertilizer to kick things off for the season and a dose of pre-emergent herbicide. After this past winter, you might discover your lawn has some areas that aren't recovering like the rest of the yard. That is normal considering the amount of snow we received. We'll watch these areas and leave recommendations with each invoice to help you care for your lawn in between our visits. Ultimately, if your lawn doesn't fully recover, you may want to consider aeration and over seeding this fall. If you plan on seeding your lawn this spring, let us know as soon as possible. The pre-emergent herbicide we use hinders seed germination and can essentially kill the seed before grass grows. If you let us know where you plan to seed, we can avoid those areas and prevent any harm to the seed. Also, remember, it takes 10-14 days for weeds to die, so if you see weeds as your lawn comes to life, please give it time for our products to work.
Overall, your lawn will take several weeks to bounce back from its winter nap. Once temperatures reach the upper sixties through the mid-seventies, your lawn will start to take off. During this stage of rapid growth it’s important to mow often, but mow long. That is to say, never remove more than one third of the grass' length and that may mean mowing twice a week until the grass growth slows as temperatures increase.