Blog Posts in Lawn Care

Even though your lawn may be suffering, weeds seem to thrive. Why is that? Weeds thrive in distressed lawns. When grass is week, weeds sneak in. And during these high temperatures, most weed killer products do not work effectively and if they do work, they can take up to two weeks to fully kill the...Continue Reading
OK, so it finally happened. It wasn't a matter of "if", rather a matter of "when" and that is today. At noon. No more watering lawns for Indianapolis residents. The silver lining is that you can continue to water flower & vegetable gardens (with certain restrictions), but general lawn watering...Continue Reading
I know we've covered watering a lot recently...and for good reason. It's been exceptionally dry and here we are, the second week of July with no rain in the forecast for at least a week. What does that mean? Well, if your lawn in brown and crunchy, it may be too late. You'll want to see if the...Continue Reading
Triple-digit temps and weeks without rain are wreaking havoc on central Indiana lawns. Under normal temperatures, lawns do best with 1 inch of water a week. When temps skyrocket, more water is required. Be sure to lay down a healthy dose of water this weekend to keep those lawns alive. But it's...Continue Reading
As a locally owned and operated company we can adapt to current conditions. And that's exactly what we are doing. With virtually no rainfall as of this writing, June is proving to be a very dry month and lawns are suffering. As a result we're changing some of the products we use, and processes we...Continue Reading
Central Indiana lawns are drying out. We've only had .05 inches of rain since June 1. That's 14 days with virtually no rain. And May wasn't a blockbuster in terms of precipitation. What does that mean? Lawns that aren't irrigated are going dormant. When lawns dry out, they turn from green to brown...Continue Reading
You, our customer, are our secret ingredient in growing a thick, healthy lawn. Thick turf is the strongest defense against weeds – stronger than any herbicide.  But, we need your help since we’re only out on your lawn every 4-6 weeks! We rely on you to follow our watering guidelines and mowing...Continue Reading
Every 4-6 weeks, your lawn technician will be on your lawn to give it what it needs. You come home to a flag by the mailbox, but, what happens while they’re there? The average lawn size for a Lawn Pride customer is 7,500 square feet, and it typically takes a lawn tech one minute per every 1000...Continue Reading
May temperatures have been higher than normal and we haven't received much rain.'re lawn may be suffering. We're seeing some lawns edge toward dormancy because of the unusually dry days we've experienced. A lawn that needs water will darken to a purplish hue. And when you step on your lawn...Continue Reading
Lawn color is a complicated discussion. First of all there are several types of grass; bluegrass, rye and fescue to name a few. Within each type of grass are literally thousands of varieties. So even though you and your neighbor have Kentucky bluegrass, you may have two different varieties which...Continue Reading