Blog Posts in Lawn Care

The weather over the last few weeks has been nearly perfect for lawns – cool temps and good rainfall; unfortunately some areas aren’t recovering from the drought like we hoped.  Most of the severe damage is occurring on lawns with a southern exposure (because those areas see the hottest part of the...Continue Reading
Fall is here and with that comes some end of season lawn care which will ensure your lawn has a nice winter's rest. You see, fall is actually the prime time to tend to your lawn. And with the abundance of rain so far this fall, most...Continue Reading
Central Indiana seems to be well saturated. Rainfall is regulating and lawns are rebounding. But some lawns have damage. They were stressed beyond their limits. Now that cooler temperatures and at least a little rain is back, it’s critical to help turf recover. Though we’re approaching the optimum...Continue Reading
With recent rain and milder temperatures lawns are beginning to bounce back. And with more rain the forecast for the weekend, many lawns should be back to their pre-drought form. That said, now is not the time to forget your lawn. As temperatures cool, lawns grow more and require proper mowing...Continue Reading
The Indianapolis Star reports that Indiana drought conditions continue to improve thanks to rain in recent weeks. Still, one-third of the state remains in severe to extreme drought conditions, but the new U.S. Drought Monitor report released  this week shows eight counties in central Indiana have...Continue Reading
Well, thanks to yesterday's round of precipitation, lawns are really starting to bounce back - some better than others. Cooler temperatures this weekend will further help lawns recover. Rainfall varied quite a bit over central Indiana, but it appears the minimum was nearly a half inch, with some...Continue Reading
The good news is that we're getting some rain. So far for August we've received just over 4 inches of precipitation, which is well above average. We're still down for the year, but this recent dose of rain is sure helping. Lawns are beginning to recover and the new product we have been applying...Continue Reading
It’s no surprise that Indianapolis-area lawns are suffering – a combination of heat and drought is really pushing grass to its limits. Some lawns barely recovered from last season when they were hammered, yet again with long, hot, dry days this year. One thing that you can do to help revitalize...Continue Reading
Most damaging fungus is likely to occur when daytime temperatures are above 80 degrees, nighttime temperatures are above 60, and humidity is high. For central Indiana lawns, typically cool grasses such as Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue, the unwanted fungus types are brown patch and summer patch...Continue Reading