Blog Posts in Winter

In Central Indiana, sometimes winter days are just too cold to spend outside. So, grab your cup of cocoa and check out these tips for spending a cozy, fun day indoors.

An Indoor Snowball Fight

Don’t let a heavy...Continue Reading
One of the best things about living in Indiana is having four seasons to enjoy. Right now, we’re getting ready to say goodbye to fall and hello to winter. Even though we love this time of year, we know the bitter cold winter is ahead. ...Continue Reading

New Year’s resolutions are top of mind come January 1st each year. While you may have high aspirations in the health and fitness department, don’t forget to set goals for your home, too. We make it easy to set New Year’s resolutions for your lawn that you can actually stick with—and reap the...Continue Reading

So you’ve aerated, overseeded and fertilized your lawn. What’s left on the to-do list for the remainder of the year? When it comes to winter lawn care, there are plenty of tasks get...Continue Reading

The snow is mostly gone -- only a few lone piles remain. And that is a great thing. It means temperatures are increasing and soon lawns will wake up from their long winter nap. When your lawn wakes up, it will be hungry. Very hungry. It has been dormant for several months and just like a...Continue Reading
It feels like winter has arrived in Indianapolis. Temps have dropped into the 30's and the grass has stopped growing. Sure signs that winter is here. So what does this mean to you? Well, first of all it means you get a much-deserved break from lawn duty...but not until this weekend. Take this...Continue Reading
Once the snow recedes you may see what you think are mole tunnels in your lawn. Chances are those are not the results of moles. Rather, the damage to your lawn may be the work of voles. Voles are rodents and belong to the same family as rats and mice. They vary in size from 3 to 5 inches from nose...Continue Reading
OK, so we're now into winter and the snow is here. We've already discussed shoveling snow here, but some may choose to automate the process with the use of a snowblower. If you're in the market for a snow blower there are a few things to consider. First, how much area do you have to clear? The size...Continue Reading
Snow is here and it may be around for a while, especially when you consider it’s not even officially winter and we’ve had several rounds of snowfall. So if you haven’t had to shovel yet, you may find yourself shoveling snow quite a bit this winter. And if you do, here are few tips to make it safer...Continue Reading
With the recent snowfall and temps lingering in the low 20’s, ice can be a real problem for homeowners. Slick driveways and sidewalks can present a hazard and sometimes a shovel or snow blower won’t eliminate the icy patches. In these cases, many homeowners turn to ice-melting products such as rock...Continue Reading