Lawn Pride Blog | Page 13

The aroma of the grill is a sure sign that summer is near. Grilling is an excellent way to enjoy the warm weather, keep kitchen clean-up to a minimum, and dish up the best flavors of the season. Master the art form of cooking over an open flame with these essential grilling tips:...Continue Reading

Have you seen Japanese beetles around the yard? They’re easy to spot with their shiny copper bodies and bright green heads. If you’ve found one or more of these little buggers, you can bet their larvae is in your yard, too. And those grubs can do...Continue Reading

Don’t let gloomy Indiana weather put a damper on your day. Excessive rainfall helps Indiana lawns bloom into green, beautiful, and healthy yards. What should you do when the rain is here? Don’t wait for the grass to grow and the raindrops to fall.

Top 20...Continue Reading

With warm weather on the way, it’s time to start thinking about those springtime outdoor decorations. Create envious porch designs, beautify a blooming front yard, and give your neighbors and guests a springing sight to see! Check out these suggestions for the best spring outdoor decor:...Continue Reading

As Central Indiana homeowners, crabgrass is no stranger to your lawn. Now that spring has arrived, it’s time to battle crabgrass and other grassy weeds with proper treatments. If you’re looking for ways to keep your lawn clear this spring, our easy-peasy Crabgrass 101 guide includes three tips...Continue Reading

If your gloomy, winter routine is getting old, it’s time to start planning that much-needed spring vacation. We’re here to make that destination decision easy with must-do spring activities (away from your hometown). Whether you enjoy warm beaches, wintery mountains, historical monuments, or...Continue Reading
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The things we really enjoy about winter are beautiful snowscapes, the holidays and the start of a brand new year. After that, winter in Indiana is, well … a little gray. Once we’re past the hustle and bustle of early winter, the cold weather and muted skies can seem to lag on forever! Brighten...Continue Reading

New Year’s resolutions are top of mind come January 1st each year. While you may have high aspirations in the health and fitness department, don’t forget to set goals for your home, too. We make it easy to set New Year’s resolutions for your lawn that you can actually stick with—and reap the...Continue Reading

If you’re like us, the holiday season has snuck up on you. Whether you’re ready or not, guests are coming, holiday sales are on, and your home needs to be decorated. While we can’t help you cook the meal or check off your shopping list, we can help you get your home ready for this festive season...Continue Reading