Lawn Pride Blog | Page 6

The return of summer means sunny days, balmy nights, and crabgrass. What? What is crabgrass? Crabgrass is a light green, grass-like weed that appears in summer, rapidly forming low-growing mats in lawns or in cracks in the sidewalk or...Continue Reading

Are you a current or soon-to-be Lawn Pride customer? We have an essential tool to assist you in your lawn care efforts. While we work our magic with our exclusive applications, our Central Indiana watering and mowing schedule will be your go-to guide for day-to-day maintenance.

PRINT...Continue Reading

The key to a happy, healthy lawn is timeliness. It’s crucial to invest in the full ...Continue Reading
Lawn care isn’t easy, so why do we do it? Because we love our lawns, and it shows! Now that April is here, it’s time to show off your own lawn. We’re celebrating National Lawn Care Month with three of our top reasons why you should love taking care of your lawn....Continue Reading

When it comes to having the best lawn on the block, one day of work isn’t going to cut it. A truly healthy, happy lawn requires a labor of love....Continue Reading

Winters in Indiana can be downright cruel. Freezing temperatures, sub-zero wind chills, and a steady stream of wind, ice, and snow, will keep you inside all winter. Although many types of trees and shrubs that grow in this part...Continue Reading
Can someone say “Polar Vortex?” Sheesh, what a week last week! Now that much of the Midwest is preparing for more unpredictable weather, Lawn Pride felt it was a good time to share some smart tips for tackling snow and ice without overdoing it.

Plan Ahead...Continue Reading

Summer is the season of bugs, but just because winter is here doesn’t mean the pests go away. In fact, the cold weather outside often means you have a better chance of dealing with certain critters inside...Continue Reading

Happy new year, lawn lovers! Have you made any resolutions yet for this year? It’s not too late! Lawn Pride has an easy one for you: Resolve to improve your yard care all year long. 

New Year’s Lawn Resolution #1:...Continue Reading